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Promoting Digital Inclusion
for Sustainable Economic Growth

We work with a range of partners from the digital ecosystem including financial institutions, digital financial service providers, fintech, policy makers, regulators, telecom operators, aggregators and donors.

Financial Inclusion and Social Impact

Financial Inclusion and Social Impact through Digital Technologies: IIDiA works with central banks and financial institutions to promote the adoption of digital financial services that can increase access to financial products and services for underserved populations and contribute to a better impact on the livelihoods and living conditions of people.

Technology and Infrastructure

Access to Technology and Infrastructure: IIDiA works with governments, private sector partners, and other stakeholders to expand access for all to affordable Digital Public Goods and affordable Digital Public Infrastructure (internet connectivity, devices, and other necessary infrastructure).

Research and Policy Advocacy

Research and Policy Advocacy: IIDiA undertakes research and advocates for policies that support the growth of the sector while ensuring that marginalized communities are not left behind. This includes engaging with parliamentarians, governments and senior decision-makers, promoting policies that promote competition or cooperation among providers of digital goods and services, and regulations, policy and institutional frameworks that protect consumer privacy.

Technical Assistance and Support

Technical Assistance, Technical Support and Skills Development with all stakeholders in the digital economy and the social economy for the design and deployment of digital financial services and products for marginalized populations, and driving change promoting the deployment of financial services and products within institutions. Specific areas of technical assistance include:

  • Human Centric Design approach to product development that prioritizes the needs and experiences of users to maximize digital uptake. This involves gathering insights about user behavior and preferences through research; using this information to inform the design process; and testing prototypes with users to ensure that products meet their needs. Technical assistance can also include guidance on software development best practices such as security protocols, quality assurance testing procedures, and coding standards.
  • Design and implement disruptive business models to bridge the digital divide: this spans from ideation, technology selection to system architecture design, testing and pre-validation, validation of economics models, deployment of digital solutions and capacity building.
  • Financial and Digital Literacy, and Skills Training: IIDiA provides traditional training programs and disruptive digital literacy methods for individuals and businesses to develop the necessary skills to thrive in a digital world.