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Enabling an Inclusive Digital Economy

A next-generation hub that supports digital economy leaders in Africa with valuable research and digital initiatives to reduce inequalities across regions and ecosystems.

Who We Are

Digital economy is rapidly developing across Africa, but this transformation of African economies is creating some unexpected outcomes with a growing digital divide in the region. To address this gap, digital inclusion must become a deliberate focus of the digital transformation agenda. Institute for Inclusive Digital Africa (IIDiA) asserts that the transformation potential of the digital revolution for African economies can be fully reaped when it is comprehensive, inclusive and ensures digital equity.

Our Vision

IIDiA’s vision is a continent where everyone enjoys the benefits and can fully participate in the digital economy regardless of their socio-economic status, gender, age, or location.

Our Mission

Our mission is to contribute to the digital equity by assisting all stakeholders of the digital economy to define inclusive disruptive business models, continuously build the capacities of African leaders and professionals to bridge skills gaps, addressing digital literacy skills through sustainable approaches, provide technical backstopping to make the economics work out to achieve digital economy inclusion, researching and advocating for policies that support equitable growth in the digital sector. By doing so, IIDiA contributes to a more just society where everyone has a fair chance at success.

Our Approach

IIDiA’s approach is to support digital transformation efforts across Africa thereby ensuring greater access to digital infrastructure and technology for citizens, businesses, and governments around the world. IIDiA offers valuable research, supports digital initiatives, and ultimately serves as the nerve center for digital economy leaders in the continent. IIDiA adopts a non-conformist ‘think tank’ approach to identify areas of digital inequalities across the region and provide technical backstopping to sustain digital equity initiatives thereby closing existing digital divide gaps. IIDiA provides technical training courses to help citizens acquire digital skills and stay abreast of new digital technologies and take full advantage of the digital economy.

IIDiA works with a range of partners from the digital ecosystem either private or public organizations including financial institutions, digital financial service providers, fintech, policy makers, regulators, telecom operators, aggregators, donors, etc. IIDiA is focused on digital inclusion and the development of the digital economy in Africa. This multifaceted intervention will help promote economic growth, political stability, and educational advancement.

What We Do

IIDiA works with a range of partners from the digital ecosystem in following areas:

Financial Inclusion and Social Impact

Access to Technology and Infrastructure

Research and Policy Advocacy

Technical Assistance and Support